Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Emberwilde Comes: A Pokemon Fan-Fic Story

It took me several tries to defeat the lackey's training at the Pewter City Gym but I finally won a chance for Emberwilde to challenge Brock, the gym leader. Emberwilde could've faced him earlier except that he refused to waste his time with any of the gym's underlings. Instead I needed to use the Pokemon I'd just caught in the Viridian Forest for that task as Emberwilde also refused to travel with any other Pokemon from home, the Tartarus Isles. After the battles they offered me a chance to heal my Pokemon before challenging Brock, but Emberwilde wouldn't be needing a second to assist him in battle. Instead I sat in the trainer's box on one side of the arena waiting for Brock to step into the other.

Finally Brock came and stepped into the box. "My name is Brock and I'm the gym leader of the Pewter City Gym. What's your name, challenger?"

I stared at him blankly, not understanding what importance my name should have with the battle as Emberwilde would be the one fighting, not me. I looked over to the judge and got the impression that the battle wouldn't start without me answering Brock's question. "I am the Bearer of Emberwilde," I said, trying my best to convey a tone that also said I didn't want to to explain any further. I guess it worked as the judge just shrugged his shoulders and gestured his hands to the middle of the ring.

"Onyx, I choose you!" Brock shouted as he tossed the pokeball into the middle of the ring. A flash of light and his Onyx appeared, a giant snake made of gray boulders. It's roar was almost deafening as it weaved itself around boulders that littered the arena.

I walked to the center of the ring, paying no attention to the giant rock-snake. It was Brock's creature and thus wouldn't attack unless ordered. When I got to the center, I knelt down and placed Emberwilde's pokeball gently on the dirt floor. As calmly as I strode in, I made my way out of the ring, my back to the opposing monster. Once back in the trainer's box, I spoke. "Char char. Chaaar." I took a deep breath and, as loud as I could, shouted, "Charizard!" A flash of light and Emberwilde, a Lord of the Celestial Inferno Clan, appeared in the ring. A black scorch mark on his chest denoted his status as a lord of his clan, one of only seven others strong enough to survive the flame of GodKing Final Blaze, Master of the Celestial Inferno Clan.

Brock laughed. "I guess you don't know, but your fire-type won't be enough for you to defeat my rock-type pokemon. Consider this a learning experience."

Emberwilde let loose a roar that made the Onyx's roar sound like a whisper, it rattled the ceiling and the walls, shaking even the boulders on the arena floor. The Onyx backed away several feet, lowering it's head as it did so. Emberwilde snorted a puff of smoke and turned his back on his opponent. In a low, growling voice, the Charizard spoke. "Char. Charizard char char."

I took a step back and out of the box, shaking as I did so. "Charizard. Cha cha Chaaar. Chaaarizard char chaaar," I said.

At my words, Emberwilde turned back around to face the Onyx. I stepped back into the trainer's box and nodded to the judge.

"Wait!" shouted Brock, "What is going on? Do you speak Pokemon or something?"

I nodded. "Everyone from the Tartarus Isles speaks Pokemon. You see, all of the pokemon on there are at an exceptionally high level. Since the pokemon are so strong, we learn how to speak Pokemon as a safety precaution. Some of us even learn it before English."

"So what was your Charizard saying?" Brock asked.

Reluctantly, I responded. "Emberwilde was demanding a stronger opponent. Apparently, your Onyx appears weak to him. I asked that he fight your Onyx as everyone must start here at this gym, that he'll need to go through the weaker opponents before he gets to the ones at his level."

Brock shook off the look of shock and turned it into anger. "Oh yeah, let's see who is the weak one here. Onyx, use Tackle!" The monster surged forward, it's courage renewed after hearing the resolve in his master's voice.

Emberwilde, seeing the beast racing toward him, stood his ground. At the last second he spun, swinging his tail and smashing it into the side of the Onyx's face. The blow spun the creature to the side, skidding on the dirt floor. At the same time, Emberwilde lifted himself into the air with his powerful wings, just three flaps taking him to the ceiling. Then he dropped, fast, his two feet stomping hard onto the Onyx's dazed head and burying it into the ground. He let out a roar and a jet of fire, almost drowning out the judge's voice announcing him the victor. In a flash of light, he disappeared back into his pokeball that was still sitting in the middle of the arena.

"Onyx, return," Brock said, defeated and with tears in his eyes. He made his way to the center of the ring, Boulder Badge in hand.

I picked up Emberwilde's pokeball before accepting the badge. Pinning it to the inside of my jacket, I turned to leave. "Let the other gym leaders know," I said, walking out the door, "Let them know that Emberwilde comes."

Just to get this out of the way, as you guessed, like with most of my stories I got inspiration from Reddit Writing Prompts: "You are a pokemon trainer that grew up in an extremely dangerous area dominated by high level pokemon." Next, I do want to say that I had a whole backstory to this, but just couldn't find the right place to add it all into the story. I think if I had made it longer, I could've gone into it that at the Tartarus Isles there are 3 Pokemon Clans which dominate the islands - obviously the three would be lead by the 3 starter pokemon, I just couldn't figure out a name for each of the clans - and every year one member from each clan chooses a child to take it to the Kanto region for it to battle the gym leaders (or something like that). Also, as much as I wanted to have a picture for this story, unfortunately, I don't own a Charizard yet (I have no idea where to catch them). I thought it might be cool to have a picture of me as a gym leader as well, but almost all of the gyms around me are run by pokemon in the CP2000 or higher which I've yet to break. So, yeah, no picture this time (I should really learn to draw). And finally, yes, I hate me too. I'm sure I've said it before but I don't have the healthiest relationship with fan-fiction (which, after reading back, sounds like the strangest sentence I've ever written). I hate writing it and yet I do like reading it, sometimes. Maybe I just like it when I know it's done correctly. This was NOT done correctly. Obviously, I grew up watching Pokemon and I can tell you, for sure, that Brock did not talk like this. Also, Brock battled with an Onyx AND a Geodude (I played the Red Version several times) but, just for time and because I didn't want to do it, I didn't write about Emberwilde battling Brock's second pokemon. So yeah, inconsistencies which tend to occur when I write fan-fic which, in all honesty, shouldn't be a problem since it is fan-fic, but I guess I just like it to stay as true to the source material as possible. Plus, part of me thinks of it as lazy to take a world that someone else created and to start inserting your story to it. But still, if done correctly, good stories can come out of fan-fic as well. Like I said, it isn't a healthy relationship. Anyway, hopefully, the next post comes a little faster (it shouldn't take this long between posts) especially since I am starting to compile the stories for my Call Center post.

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