Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Grand Adventure Day 14: I Did Nothing

This will be a short one. I got up and did my normal routine which was stupid since I still needed to wait until 10am to use the washing machine. Since the hostel is still out of laundry detergent, I took the caretaker's advice and just used shampoo. More importantly, they're out of coffee which meant another visit to the Dunkin Donuts at Hapjeong station. I got my breakfast sandwich and coffee this time ... from the same cashier working the other day. From the look on her face, I know that everyone in this country is going to be happier once I leave - I've been nothing but an inconvenience to everyone's lives.

After a load of laundry, which I spent 45 minutes watching Youtube videos, I finally got out of the hostel with a plan. The first stop was the movie theater I couldn't find on Sunday to buy tickets for Bohemian Rhapsody, 4 hours early. 11,000won is pretty cheap compared to the theaters back home.

In my defense, it was dark Sunday night and, back home, theaters basically stand on their own in their own, easy to see, building. It's a little hard to find from three stories down. Ticket in hand and 4 hours to kill, I took a 30 minute train ride to Itaewon to find a bookstore. Well, first I had lunch at one of the 4 different kebab shops within eyesight of Itaewon station. From there, a walk up the hill took me to the bookstore I scouted online last night. I'd been going through the one Jack Reacher novel a little faster than I expected and decided I might need another book (I've been spending a lot of time waiting around, or eating alone). Unfortunately, as it happens in every bookstore, I had my sights set on just one particular book but I ended up still browsing all the shelves. I even picked up a couple that I wanted to read and seriously considered taking all of them, once again over-burdening my already full duffel bag and backpack. In the end, I did only buy the one book, a collection of Jack Reacher short stories.

On the walk back to the station, an Instinct player took over a bunch of gyms so I just followed his/her path of yellow gyms all the way back to the station, putting a pokemon in every gym available. This is also probably the reason I made it back to the theater with just 10 minutes to spare. That, or the book shelf browsing.

The movie was good. If you're expecting some sort of in-depth review, well you will be disappointed. The only thing I've got is that the pacing in the beginning felt a little rushed but other than that, I liked it. I probably knew all of the songs only because I spend every weekend at the orchid farm, and on the drive there and back, if we're not listening to the radio, Dad plays one of a handful of CDs he owns, one of them being Queen's Greatest Hits.

I decided to hang around the Hongik area after the movie. That really is the best part about staying in Hapjeong, that I'm just one stop away from the Hongik University stop and all the cheap street food. I had another corndog thing with sugar and ketchup, which I spilled a lot of on the street; more fried chicken; another bread with egg thing. It started to rain so I couldn't take advantage of the free entertainment as the buskers weren't out that night. Picked up a doughnut on the way back to the hostel, though I really should've bought coffee too. I managed to find coffee back at the hostel, except it was all in capsules which we don't have a machine to use. I tried to make tea instead, but I couldn't figure it out ... I'm dumb. Also I finished the first Jack Reacher novel I brought with me so I guess it was a good thing I went today to get that second book.

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