Friday, October 30, 2015

New York Travels Day 6: Just Me and the Pen

I had the rarest of days today: I had nothing to do. No work to suffer through, no chores to finish, no video games to play, no TV shows piled up on the DVR to catch up with. Plus, I had basically finished the entire list of things that I wanted to see and do in New York (I don't know, maybe the list wasn't as long as I thought it was). But, I had a free day and I wasn't going to waste it. So I did the one thing I've always wanted to do - I wrote. Finding a library close by wasn't too hard and that's where I spent my entire Saturday. I know what you're thinking, "what kind of asshole just spends his entire day in a library? the weather is nice, you're in a new city on vacation, why aren't you still out exploring?" Well, you don't understand - I've never had this kind of opportunity. Back home, there's always something to do or someplace to go, and if I do have a chance to just stay home, well it usually means one or more of my siblings are there too. But this was a chance to just sit someplace and write, just me and my pen. And it was just as good as every other day I've spent on vacation so far. After a quick lunch at McDonalds, I found a seat at a table at the library with a bunch of other people already sitting on it doing... I don't care what they were doing, there was an open seat and I took it. I pulled out the one notebook I brought with me, a pen, and turned on my writing playlist; it's basically just a collection of Shimmixes' Kpop mash-ups, some old Chemical Brothers and Crystal Method, and some Mat the Alien mixes courtesy of Sunny. Simply put, anything loud enough to tune out the people around me but without the voices to distract me. Sadly, I didn't get anything actually publishable or that I even want to rewrite here, but I got the start to a couple things so that's good enough for now. And I got the most important thing - a taste. I'd forgotten what it was like to write. It feels good and I guess that I'd forgotten what that was like for awhile now. I'm working on getting it back, but it's slow and hard work, but I'm trying. Hell, maybe I'll even get the hunger for it again.

After they kicked me out of the library, I wandered around for a bit longer (I hadn't actually spent a lot of time in the area Terry was living in). I picked up some Shawarma for dinner and it was the first time I'd been tricked by the picture. It looked like a normal sized plate on the picture, but it was too much food. Usually I'm tricked the other way (the plate is smaller than the picture) but this was a welcome change to that trend. I ended up eating just half of it and throwing the rest in the fridge (which I may have accidentally left in Terry's fridge when I left, sorry about that). But that did add Middle Eastern food to my list of foods eaten on this trip.

And that's the entire day.

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