Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tales from Blood Talon Cove

Are these gods or mortals that I perceive?
Or do my eyes exist only to deceive?
A glowing aura round their presence
Calms my soul of any malevolence
Light from the sun, beaming down
Falls upon their heads like a heavenly crown
A picture preserved by one named Alan
Of two demigods at the cove of Blood Talon

The Newly-Weds
A perfect day. A perfect sky. Two young lovers upon the beach. In the sand, in the sea. They splashed and danced upon the shore. Listened to the sounds carried on by the wind.
And now they rest from a weary day of play, soaking in the sunshine and toying with the sand at their feet. Two lovers on their Honeymoon. Blissfully unaware of the Fate before them. A Fate of routine and normalcy.
These are not the Young Lovers who become the Widowed Lovers. No. In fact these Young Lovers will, for purposes unknown, will grow into the Old Lovers - sitting on their porch from noon till six, only to retire inside to eat, sleep, and eventually pass on to their next lives.
Nor are these the Young Lovers who transform to the Angry Lovers, separated by Rage and Violence. No. Their struggles and strafes, though soon-to-be tearing daily at their hearts and throats, will only grow them into the Committed Lovers - the ones that will forever continue to hold onto each other.
Nor are these Young Lovers destined to separate into the Solo Lovers, working their own jobs for their own pay. No. Instead they'll hold onto each other tighter, the Dependent Lovers - wanting and needing each other for their dual survival.
But that's all years, months, weeks away. Much too far to foresee, especially on a perfect day at the beach, a perfect sky overhead. He says to Her. She whispers back to Him. Two young lovers splashing in the waves and building castles in the sand.

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